This morning, going out to the bus stop with my youngest, he and I noticed how beautiful the sky was. It has been cloudy lately, making it just appear to be dark, almost still night. But this morning the sky had wispy clouds that were painted pink. When the eye followed the pink, it led to a bright orange spot where the sun would soon appear. It was magical. Even in that half light the autumn leaves look brilliant.
My son and I turned away from the eastern sky to watch for his bus. So, it was about five minutes later when I turned again to the brightening sky. It was completely different! The sun was still not up and the clouds were still reflecting light, but now it was yellow. The pink was entirely gone. I was rather stunned. It was so changed in such a short span of time.
I should have seen this as a sign of things to come. When I arrived at the library this morning, "my" spot was taken! Well, not the actual chair I like to sit in, but the one next to it. Personal space and all I was not going to sit in that one spot. Can you spell "awkward"?
I walking around to explore my options (and make sure those options had plugs for my computer - old battery, new one came yesterday but it didn't fit - whole 'nother story!). Anyway, found a different spot, not quite so nice as "my" spot, but oh, well. After sitting down, I found my whole routine out of whack. So, instead of blogging first, I tried other things. But blogging gets my fingers and my thoughts going, making it easy and natural to write on my book.
I tried to move to the book - not happening! I did some odds and ends and finally ended up reading, still not a waste. But in the end, I still needed to write, and seemingly also to blog. So, here I am.
I didn't think change would upset my rhythm so drastically. Maybe I need to mix it up on a regular basis to change my perspective, to add freshness to my writing, to see my characters in a different light (maybe yellow instead of pink). I'll think about it, but I'm still going to look for "my" spot tomorrow!
I love how I get all these stories and thoughts twice :)