Of late I have been writing articles for a local magazine, and it's been a lot of fun. Starting in June I will also have my own column in that magazine - even more fun. The focus of my column will be family, since that is not only important to me, but also of great interest to my surrounding community.
So, today I was playing around with titles for my column (I'm open to suggestions, btw) and thought of "From the Family Room" which has an ironic twist to it. I actually write these days in my family room. If you've been reading my blog for awhile you will remember the many times I've referenced the library as my writing spot, and it was for a time. But since we moved recently I have discovered my family room fills that role very well. I still have a window beside me through which I can survey the world around me, and from which pours light on a regular basis. I have a reasonably comfortable chair, and a fireplace for the really cold days. All in all, it works well for me.
Come summertime, when the kids are around, I may have to go back to the library for enough peace to actually write, but I hope not. I like having them around; I prefer it. They are my muses (even if also my distractions).
So, even though a good location for writing has seemed important to me in the past, maybe it isn't as important as I thought. Beyond the basics - a plug close by for when my laptop runs low, a chair, and some light - there really isn't much I require for being able to write. My biggest strength when writing comes from inside not my outside surroundings.
Literally, my writing comes from the family room of my heart. The furniture in that room is built from trees of love, both new growth and old. And while there are broken pieces and ones that show the signs of wear, most are comfortable, most are just right. Writing, for me, is intensely personal, and I don't think I would want it any other way. Actually, I don't think I could write any other way. And so... I sign off from the family room.
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