Monday, April 15, 2013

Tilting At Windmills

I seem to be tilting at windmills lately.  I have taken on as my special cause my TV and internet service provider.  I seem to be making a call in their direction every month as I take exception to their billing practices.  No, I haven't switched, because yes, they do fix the problem and then compensate me for my trouble.  So, if you don't figure in the cost of my time, I'm still coming out ahead.  And the actual TV and internet service are what we want.

But isn't it great that I can tell you I am tilting at windmills and you know what I'm talking about.  You can thank a writer for that.  This phrase comes from Cervantes in his classic Don Quixote.  I have a soft spot for this story, having performed in the musical version, Man of La Mancha, in my youth.  And somehow I have a soft spot for Don Quixote, trying so hard to do what he thought valiant even though in reality it was something else.

What power good writers have.  I would like to have that kind of impact upon a reader, even if new idioms aren't created because of my written word.  But alas, that's such stuff as dreams are made on. (With a thankful nod to Shakespeare.)

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