Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's contagious!

I realize since I've become a serious writer that I view the world around me differently, and I especially view books differently.  Never again will I read a book merely to be entertained.  I may be entertained in the process, but other motives are always afoot.

It doesn't seem possible anymore to read without analyzing.  Mostly it's not to criticize other writers, rather it's to learn.  However, when I'm not learning something, when the writing seems juvenile or sloppy, I usually can't find it in me to even finish the book.

My daughter recently recommend I read two books that she was about to read.  That way we could discuss them over the phone.  An interesting thing happened.  As she was talking to me about the books she kept describing things in terms of how they might be viewed by me, the writer.  She was ahead of me in my reading, but she urged me on with the first book because of the techniques that would be good for me as a writer.

The second book I put down after the first chapter, determined not to pick it back up.  My daughter had finished it by then, but agreed with my decision.  (She had finished it because of an agreement with a friend.)  She then told me why it was a good decision by critiquing the writing in the book.

Now, to be honest, she has always had an editor's eye, my being a writer has not changed that.  But the depths of analysis and the discussion of what would be beneficial to me is a new wrinkle.  I kind of liked it!  It's nice to know she's got my back.

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