Monday, July 29, 2013

The Power of the Written Word

I talk a lot in my blog about writing fiction, or writing books.  But whether you are an author or not you use the written word all the time.  These days it is more likely in the form of a text or an email, but it is writing all the same.

In a departure from my typical blog, I want to focus on that writing we all can or should do.  I'll narrow it down even further to the writing that seems to be a dying art - the thank you note.

When was the last time you wrote a thank you note?  When was the last time you received one?  Some of the short but sweet notes I've received have been so precious that I have tucked them into pages of my journal.  It is such a pleasant surprise to receive a hand written note full of praise and appreciation, especially these days when it doesn't happen very often.

If you know how wonderful it feels to receive a thank you note, then write one today.  Be the sunshine in someone else's life.

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