Monday, August 26, 2013

Lost Grammar?

I have to admit to my grammar pet peeves.  It really annoys me when someone uses "your" when he or she should have used "you're."  And I'm not too thrilled when someone confuses the use of "past" and "passed."  I have also noticed that the trend in novel writing is to commonly use fragments.  These things don't seem to be rocket science, and yet . . .

What really rankles is when one of my children's teachers makes silly mistakes.  How is my child going to learn the proper usage of words and appropriate grammar when even his teacher has problems?

I could continue on my rant about the loss of grammar skills in this day and age of technology and grammar and spell check.  I could, but I won't.

Are you familiar with the phrase, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"?  As I have been going through the editing process of my own book, this phrase has come to have more meaning.  It appears that I have my own grammar blinders - for instance, I like to split infinitives.  According to the internet, splitting infinitives is akin to starting a sentence with "and" or "but."  It is not a hard and fast rule anymore; however, the article I was reading added that you still shouldn't do it.

So, maybe I should take it easy on my son's teacher.  (But it's so hard not to cringe!)

Do you have grammar pet peeves?  Feel free to share what they are.

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