Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Best Writing Advice I Ever Heard

I've been thinking lately about this blog and what it's all about.  There are many writing blogs that put forth tips and ideas about writing, but this blog was started in an effort to chronicle my writing adventure.  However I've found I am learning tips along the way.  So, at what point am I credible enough to blatantly put forth writing advice?

I don't know, but I'm going to pass along a tip I picked up from someone else.  I need to set the stage a little first.  Several years ago one of my sons was beginning to show an interest in writing, in particular writing poetry.  My husband came across a notice that the poet laureate was going to be in town speaking at a local university and the public was invited.  My son and I eagerly attended and afterwards spoke with him briefly.  I asked for his advice for my son.  He said the best tip for writing poetry is reading poetry - lots of it!  My son took that advice and has continued to read, write and love poetry.  He recently completed his freshman year at Cornell University with a major in English.

I find I write best when I am including a regular diet of reading to go along with it.  Other writers, especially good writers, help me to be a better writer simply by letting me experience their words.  What I find interesting is that as I read writing advice I often find I am already doing what they suggest.  This isn't because I was naturally born to write, it's that every time I read I am being schooled in what to do, what works and what doesn't, what I like to read and what I don't.

It's pretty nice to be able to say "I've got to get some work done," and then curl up with a good book.  Just one of the perks of this job - even if I'm not getting paid by the hour to do it.

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