Toddlers are such wonderful creatures. At what other time of life do you see such persistent learning? Toddlers will build a stack of blocks, knock it down, and build it again - and again - and again. They walk on unsteady feet and fall down. But they get up again - and again - and again.
How many of us as adults show such determination? Life is full of times where we fail or fall. The measure of our character is shown in our response. Do we get back up and try again? Do we quit? Do we rant and rave about whose fault it is that we fell?
I don't suppose there are too many books where the first draft is what got published. (In today's world, I might need to exclude the self-published arena from that.) But it is the ability to learn, to reevaluate, to start over that sets people apart. It is not easy. After all, trying again is admitting that the first try was done incorrectly, that we were somehow wrong. But that pain is washed away when a later attempt does meet our expectations.
Toddlers are eventually rewarded with completed puzzles and tall stacks of blocks and fluid walking. If you keep trying, what will you be rewarded with?
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