Friday, June 7, 2013

Schools Out For Summer

The last day of school in our area was yesterday.  It's such a magical time.  I can still remember the  exhilarating feeling of walking out of school for the last time that school year.  I felt so free, so alive, so unfettered!

Our kids are celebrating by sleeping in. Our youngest has plans - he intends to have more play dates than the number of summer vacation days.  His older brother has a plan also - basically to have no plans.  That's okay, we have plans for him.

You may remember those feelings of excitement when summer vacation arrived.  But how do you capture that feeling on a written page?  Do you bring up comparisons to draw upon your reader's emotional memories?  Do you describe it in detail?  Maybe a combination of both?  Maybe metaphors to sunrises or birds set free.

I think summer is epitomized by laying out by the pool with the sun warming your limbs while laughing and talking with your best friends.  This is the ideal.  The more common reality is lying around all day watching tv, eating cheetos, playing a game or two, and maybe reading a book.  Although, I'm beginning to think more and more that the ideal is reading a book!

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