Friday, August 2, 2013

Do What You Love

My husband has always been an advocate of finding your passion and pursing it for a career.  Until recently my career was my kids, and I was passionate about that.  I still am, but my children are getting older and leaving the nest so it doesn't take the same kind of time commitment that it used to do.

So, I have had the wonderful opportunity of having a second career, hence the writing.  At an earlier time in my life I wouldn't have embraced this the same way I do now.  I've always loved writing stories, but it was more of a hobby than anything else.

Now, it's different, and I'm not even sure why.  All I know is that I love it!  I'm writing feature articles and a column for a regional magazine, and I love that.  I'm working on my second novel, and I love that.  That book requires me to do a fair amount of research before I write too much, and that, surprisingly, excites me as well.

I started this blog when I started this second career of mine.  The first post was all about my excitement about the journey I was starting.  That excitement has not waned.  I thought it might, that I might get bogged down in all of the writing that needed to be done, but that's just not the case.  That's not to say that I don't have days where the writing just isn't "happening," but overall I love this.

I just spoke with a friend who admits writing is not her favorite thing.  But she is passionate about the nursing degree she is pursuing.  It would be a pretty lopsided world if we were all passionate about the same thing.  So, find the thing or things that interest you, and then do what you love and love what you do!

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